Jessica Bull
Photo credit: Cassie Baruc
Jessica Bull is represented by Juliet Mushens
Jessica Bull grew up in South East London, where she still lives with her husband, two daughters, and far too many pets. She’s addicted to stories and studied English Literature at Bristol University, and Information Science at City University, London. She began her career as a librarian (under the false impression she could sit and read all day), before becoming a communications consultant.
Her debut novel, Miss Austen Investigates: The Hapless Milliner, was won in a four-way auction by Jessica Leeke at Penguin Michael Joseph, in a six-figure deal, and was published in January 2024.
Miss Austen Investigates - The Hapless Milliner: Michael Joseph (UK), Union Square (US), Brazil (Rocco), Znanje (Croatia), Jota (Czech), HarperCollins Nordic (Denmark), Bazar (Finland), J’ai Lu (France), Droemer (Germany), Metaixmio (Greece), Piemme (Italy), Luitingh Sijthoff (Netherlands), Portugal (Topseller), Eksmo (Russia), Vulkan (Serbia), Alfaguara (Spain), HarperCollins (Sweden), and Family Leisure Club (Ukraine).
Miss Austen Investigates - A Fortune Most Fatal: Michael Joseph (UK), Union Square (US), J’ai Lu (France), Droemer (Germany), Piemme (Italy), Luitingh Sijthoff (Netherlands), TopSeller (Portugal), Lumen (Spain), HarperCollins (Sweden) and Book Club Family Leisure Club (Ukraine).