Books in the Media

Our brilliant authors have received lots of great press recently!

  • Booklist have praised Lianne Dillsworth’s HOUSE OF SHADES in their recent review: “With haunting imagery, Dillsworth delivers a fast-paced story of overcoming familial treachery, racism, and social inequality.”

  • Publishers Weekly have posted a wonderful review of HERA by Jennifer Saint, saying "The gods of Olympus deliver Real Housewives–level drama in this juicy interpretation of Greek myth from bestseller Saint... Readers will savor the theatrics." 

  • Publishers Weekly have published a great review of THE GODS BELOW by Andrea Stewart in their print issue and on their website. They write, “Stewart maintains a good balance between the sisters and their competing goals, creating a fascinating level of moral ambiguity so that readers will feel that each character is justified in making her choices. This promises good things for the series to come.”

  • Bella Magazine have called Kate Gray’s THE SUMMER PARTY a “tense, brilliant thriller”!

  • The Daily Mail also reviewed THE SUMMER PARTY. Christena Appleyard calls it “an interesting comment on the evils of office politics taken to extremes, and a satisfying look at what really goes on behind the facade of office personalities.”

  • Sally Abé’s A WOMAN’S PLACE IS IN THE KITCHEN received a wonderful review in The Daily Mail. Katherine Spurrier writes: “Abé writes with such immediacy, and packs her narrative with so much specialised knowledge, that often you feel like you’re crammed into the un-airconditioned kitchen alongside her. She is fantastic at describing the minutiae of kitchen politics and techniques, so that even the most culinarily illiterate can follow her. After reading her book, I would challenge anyone to go into a restaurant and not respect the 16-hour days, arduous labour and love that chefs put into even the smallest garnish.”

  • For Desi Blitz, Aliya Ali-Afzal was interviewed about her new novel THE BIG DAY, her approach to writing and what inspires her work.

  • Aliya also had an interview published in Time and Leisure magazine where she discusses her writing process and some of the themes in THE BIG DAY.

  • Aliya wrote a short story which was published by Trip Fiction on their website. Trip Fiction have also published a piece for their ‘Talking Location’ feature written by Aliya about her love for Richmond Park. Read here!

  • Ananke Magazine reviewed THE BIG DAY: “The conflict between Noor and her mother, Leena, is expertly woven, highlighting the generational and cultural differences that can often create tension within families. It is refreshing that the author raised questions about cultural identity and the importance of staying true to oneself, navigating the intricate web of traditions and expectations. It is a testament to the power of love, forgiveness, and understanding, and a highly recommended read for everyone.”

  • THE BIG DAY was announced in the Asian Review of Books on their website.

  • Aliya Ali-Afzal has written a personal account of her experience with having an arranged marriage for Culture Fly.


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