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Louise O’Neill charts on Bestseller List

Congratulations to Louise O’Neill who has charted at #2 on the Bestseller list in Ireland with her latest novel, After the Silence.

Nessa Crowley's murderer has been protected by silence for ten years. Until a team of documentary makers decide to find out the truth. On the day of Henry and Keelin Kinsella's wild party at their big house a violent storm engulfed the island of Inisrun, cutting it off from the mainland. When morning broke Nessa Crowley's lifeless body lay in the garden, her last breath silenced by the music and the thunder. The killer couldn't have escaped Inisrun, but no-one was charged with the murder.

The mystery that surrounded the death of Nessa remained hidden.

But the islanders knew who to blame for the crime that changed them forever.

You can get your copy of After the Silence here or here.