Yellow Bird UK and Hot Coals Productions to co-produce screen adaptations of Nell Pattison’s crime series

Yellow Bird and Hot Coals Productions have partnered up to co-produce a drama series based on Nell Pattison’s trio of crime novels: The Silent House, Silent Night and The Silent Suspect.

Nell’s novels follow British Sign Language interpreter, Paige Northwood, and her deaf sister as they investigate crimes that happen within the deaf community.

Berna Levin, creative director at Yellow Bird UK, has said that “This is an incredibly important and exciting project for us, and we are thrilled to be partnering with Clare-Louise and Jo at Hot Coals. With the deaf community at the heart of these books, it will allow us to bring underrepresented talent in the TV industry to the forefront – both in front and behind the scenes.”

Hot Coals added, “So often on TV and film, a deaf character is parachuted into a hearing story, with no other deaf people around them. With these stories set firmly within the deaf community it gives us an opportunity to show the breadth of deafness and the huge variation in lived experiences. From the moment we read Nell’s books, we knew we had to make them into a TV series and we are so excited to be partnering with Yellow Bird who understand the importance of representation.”

We’re thrilled for Nell and the well-deserved success of her books!

Read more about the project here.


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