Sarah Hornsley

Sarah Hornsley is represented by Juliet Mushens


Sarah Hornsley works as a literary agent at PFD. After graduating from Durham University with a First Class Honours in History, Sarah worked at a publishing house followed by a short stint in script development before becoming a Literary Agent in 2015. She was named a Rising Star in The Bookseller in 2019. She lives in Essex with her husband and daughters.

Sarah’s debut novel, Bad Blood, was acquired for a significant six-figure sum by Phoebe Morgan at Hodder in a “whirlwind 48-hour pre-empt”. Hodder will publish Bad Blood as a flagship hardback title in Spring 2025. Translation rights have sold in multiple territories and television rights are in development.

Rights sold:

Bad Blood: Hodder (UK), Zando (US),  Penguin (Germany), Prekog (Hungary), Crime Scene Press (Romania), Eksmo (Russia), Učila (Slovenia) and Family Leisure Club (Ukraine).