Sussie Anie
Sussie Anie is represented by Juliet Mushens
Sussie Anie lives in London, where she was born and grew up. After graduating with a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Warwick, she completed an MA in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, where she was a recipient of the 2018-19 Kowitz Scholarship. Her writing has been published in Lolwe, and shortlisted for the White Review Short Story Prize 2020.
Her first novel, To Fill a Yellow House, was pre-empted in a six-figure deal after less than 48 hours, and sold in a six-figure auction in the US. It was published by Orion in July 2022.
Rights sold;
To Fill A Yellow House: Orion (UK), Custom House (US) and Knigolove (Ukraine).